The Boston Conservation Commission voted unanimously to fine the owner and trustee of the Shipyard Quarter’s Marina $25,000 per day until repairs are made to several of the piers which have created hazardous and unsafe conditions.
The capacity crowd applauded when the decision was announced to impose the maximum fine at a hearing Wednesday night.
Tracy Lloyd and Asher Herzberg represented Shipyard Quarter’s Marina owner Martin Oliner who did not attend the meeting.
Lloyd and Herzberg told the Commission that Mr. Oliner needed more time but he’s committed to making all of the necessary repairs which are estimated to cost several million dollars adding an engineer has already been hired.
Members of the commission, residents and boat owners said they’ve been waiting for years for the repairs to be made and are tired of hearing excuses.
“These are the most egregious violations we’ve seen. You are the equivalent of a slumlord,” said Commissioner Stephen Kunian.
Pam Daley, who has lived in the Navy Yard for 28 years, told the commission she’s afraid to venture out on the Harbor Walk for fear that one of the wheels on her wheelchair would fall through the rotting boards.
Boat owner David Alexander said the faulty electrical system is dangerous citing blown fuses.
“It’s criminal what’s going on here. said Alexander.
Residents have been frustrated about the deteriorating conditions at the marina which prompted Mayor Menino to ask DEP (Department of Enviornmental Protection) to pull the license of the marina if repairs aren’t made before “a serious injury or worse occurs.”
In July DEP conducted an inspection and ordered Oliner to make the repairs including removing and replacing rotting boards on Pier 6 and Pier 8 and replacing support piles which have created unsafe and hazardous conditions or face a fine or $25,000 per day.
The marina appealed the decision saying it needed more time to make the repairs.
After the meeting BRA (Boston Redevelopment Authority) senior project manager Richard Mulligan said he was happy with the commission’s decision to impose the stiff fine.
“This is long overdue. The city will be issuing the fine and will work with DEP,” said Mulligan.
Oliner’s representatives had no comment about the decision after the meeting.
The Conservation Commission meets again on January 9. Commissioner Antona Pollak requested that Shipyard Quarter’s Marina present a detailed repair plan at that meeting.