New BNN-TV Charlestown Live Hosts back row from left: Dan Ryan and Diane Grant. Seated: Kathy Giordano and Al Carrier.
This week’s Charlestown Live program on BNN-TV will begin a new era
as the show moves forward after the untimely death of host Peter Looney in August.
On Thursday, Oct. 6, Kathy Giordano, host/producer, will introduce three new, exciting hosts to the viewers: Al Carrier, Diane Grant and Dan Ryan. They will continue to bring to the community the best that Charlestown has to offer, from it’s past, present day and future in the tradition laid down by the program’s original,long time and beloved host, Peter Looney.
Tune in at 6:30 pm on BNN-TV channel 9 or RCN channel 15. You can also watch the live program on your computer
at www.bnntv.org.
For more information, contact Kathy at [email protected] or call 617-242-1332.