The Abraham Lincoln Post is Now Accepting Applications for Scholarship Awards The Abraham Lincoln Post 11, GAR, scholarship awards will be drawn on November 5 at our annual Veterans Dinner to be held at the Knights of Columbus on the…
Month: October 2021
JFK Family Service Center Receives City Grant
Last week, Acting Mayor Kim Janey announced that Charlestown’s John F. Kennedy Family Service Center was one of 39 local, non-profit organizations to receive grant money through the Food Sovereignty and Community Grants programs. The grants, totaling $2.2 million to…
Sen. DiDomenico Testifies in Support of the VOTES Act
Senator Sal DiDomenico and his colleagues in the Massachusetts State Senate recently passed S.2545, An Act fostering voter opportunities, trust, equity, and security, also known as the VOTES Act. This comprehensive voting reform bill permanently codifies the popular mail-in and early voting options used in Massachusetts…
Biele Backs Erin Murphy for City Council At-Large
State Representative David Biele, who represents South Boston and parts of Dorchester, has endorsed Erin Murphy to be Boston’s next At-Large City Councilor, praising her commitment to public safety and her heartfelt efforts to eradicate the scourge of substance abuse…
Parks Department Completes First Street Tree Inventory as Part of City’s Urban Forest Plan
Earlier this year, the City of Boston launched its first ever Urban Forest Plan with the hope it will help the city prioritize, preserve, and grow the tree canopy throughout Boston for decades to come. “The Boston Urban Forest Plan…
MGH Charlestown Healthcare Center Welcomes to Staff Dr. Jacqueline CHU as the Adult Medicine Medical Director
Dr. Jacqueline Chu, M.D. grew up in Peoria, Illinois, and is delighted to have called the Boston area home since 2011, when she moved here for her Primary Care Residency at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Dr. Chu completed a fellowship…
BPDA Approves 6-Story Hood Park Addition
At its October 14 board meeting the Boston Planning and Development Agency approved an update to the previously approved Hood Park project. The BPDA approved the project’s proposed 6-story addition to the existing building located at 100 Hood Park Drive…
General Colin Powell
The death this past week of General Colin Powell at the age of 84 removes from our country one of the most outstanding persons ever to serve the United States. Colin Powell was both a soldier and a statesman. What…
Get Your Booster Stat
With the FDA and the CDC recommending that already-vaccinated Americans over a certain age and with certain medical conditions receive booster shots, we urge all of our readers who qualify to receive a booster to do so as soon as…
Guest Op-Ed: Don’t Let Acting Mayor Kim Janey Erase Boston’s Italian Americans
By Denise Furnari and Justice Chair Diane Modica Acting Boston Mayor Kim Janey has unilaterally decided to change Columbus Day in Boston to Indigenous Peoples Day and will announce it today October 6, 2021 at 2:30 PM at Boston City…