Harvest on Vine Food Pantry appeal
The Food Pantry has had a great need at this time as it has been very busy serving many more residents in town and providing more frequent distributions. Donations of all non-perishable foods are greatly appreciated. Donations drops are: Food Pantry, 49 Vine St. (Hayes Square), The Cooperative Bank – 201 Main St. or the Parish Center – 46 Winthrop St. (by the Training Field). Or donate by sending checks to: Harvest on Vine, Parish Center, 46 Winthrop St., Charlestown, MA 02129. They are also looking for volunteers to assist with distribution. For more information, call Tom MacDonald 617-990-7314. Your continued support is much appreciated.
Join the Bunker Hill Day Parade Committee
The Bunker Hill Day Parade Committee is looking for volunteers to help with the 2022 parade. If you are new to town, this is a great way to meet your neighbors and the people who make things happen in Charlestown! Want to join the committee? They’re looking for help with fundraising & planning. If you have any questions about the parade committee please contact Kathleen Wrenn Noonan 617-201-1673.
Ribbon Cutting at Community Center
Join the Friends of the Library & Turn it Around on Thursday, October 14 at 4:30p.m. for a“ribbon cutting” of a new Little Free Library installed recently outside the Community Center. All are welcome. The Charlestown Community Center is located at 255 Medford Street.
Harvard Kent Parents Fundraiser
The annual fundraiser kicks off on Friday October 8th with a goal of $20,000 to support educational enrichment and promote family involvement in the HK community. Visit https://go.rallyup.com/hkpafallfundraiser2021 to participate. The event runs through October 23rd and the winner will be chosen on October 24.
Senior Halloween Party October 22
The David M. Whelan Scholarship will be hosting a Senior Halloween Party on Friday, October 22, 2021 at the K of C Hall, 545 Medford Street from 11:00 – 2:00 pm. There will be food, music and prizes. Join the fun!
For more information contact: Meaghan Murray 617-635-5175
Halloween is Back at the Monument
The 36th Annual Trick or Treat and March around the Monument is back! Meet at 5pm at The Monument steps on October 31st for the return of the Tony Barry Band and the traditional Halloween march beginning at 5:30p. The Committee asks participants to please wear masks and social distance.
Show Opening at Stove Factory Gallery
The Artists Group of Charlestown Fall Show “Attached” will be opening October 15th hours 5-8p.m. at the Stove Factory Gallery, 523 Medford Street. Show will continue weekends through October 31 from 12-5p.m.
Visit artistsgroupofcharlestown.com for more information
Abraham Lincoln Post 11, GAR to hold Annual Veterans Dinner
The Abraham Lincoln Post 11, GAR, will be hosting its annual Veterans Dinner at 6:00 PM on Friday, November 5, at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Medford St. in Charlestown. All Charlestown Veterans are invited. The dinner is free to the veteran and one guest. Additional guests, friends, and family are also encouraged to attend with a suggested donation of $20 to help offset expenses. In addition to good company and a good time, we will also be awarding a number of scholarships to the children or grandchildren of our veterans. To be eligible, the student must be the child or grandchild of a Charlestown resident veteran (DD214 required) or a veteran who joined the military when he or she was a resident of Charlestown. There will be at least one $1,000 award for a college bound student and at least five $500 awards for students attending a 1-12 grade level school that requires a tuition payment. For more information about the scholarship please call Steve Fabiano at (617) 438-2022.
If you plan to attend, RSVP to (857) 364-9662 and leave your name, number of persons attending, and a phone number or email where you can be reached.
Charlestown Heights Historic District Landmarks Study Commission Community Meeting
Join the residents of “Charlestown Heights” and the Charlestown Neighborhood Council in planning for June 17th, 2025, the 250th Anniversary of the First Battle of the American Army. Learn about the CPA-Community Preservation Act Trust Fund Planning and Preservation Process and the importance of recognition of the Charlestown Heights Historic District. Informational meeting on Sunday, Oct 24, 2021, 2p.m. at the J.W. Conway-Bunker Hill Post 26, American Legion, 23 Adams Street.
Through Our Eyes Charlestown returns
The Through Our Eyes Charlestown photography exhibit will open on Thursday, October 21. This year’s project was made possible by the Through Our Eyes Project, Christ Church Charlestown, and the Charlestown Historical Society. The exhibit will be located this year on the second floor of Memorial Hall (14 Green Street) and will be open to the community Thursday, October 21 5:30-8:30PM; Friday, October 22 5:30-8:30PM; and Saturday, October 23 1-4PM. This year’s project saw the collection of 400 photos of Charlestown from 1880-1980, with photographers recreating or reimagining the photos in 2021.