Registration is now open for Charlestown Little League. Register is online via the League’s website. Max Gomez, of Charlestown Little League, reports the League is planning for a “normal” season with practices and games at the moment. However COVID may cause them to have an adjusted program which will be evaluated over the next few months.
The breakdown of the league will include four divisions with age groups established by Little League.
•Tee-ball: ages 4-5 – learning the basics.
•Rookie ball: ages 6-7 – Coach pitch – learning the fundamentals.
•AAA ball – ages 8-9 – Player pitch – continue to learn fundamentals with introduction of player pitching.
•Majors ball – ages 10-12 – continue to learn fundamentals with skill development for all players.
A preliminary schedule is posted on the website and the season will run from late April to the end of June.
There is also a volunteer option during registration, and the League will definitely need coaches. Anyone interested in coaching please register as a coach while you are registering a child.
To sign up, go online to