The MBTA announced it will commenced rehabilitation work on the East Cambridge Viaduct over Nashua Street near the intersection with Charles River Dam Road. The partial lane closures will take place on various roadways around Leverett Circle and they began Wednesday, September 9, as required Sundays through Fridays from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Construction activities such as the installation of a temporary construction access platform and structural repair work are scheduled during these times. This schedule is subject to change.
Posted signage will alert drivers to the various lane closures, and detail officers will aid in directing vehicular traffic. A lane on Nashua Street will remain open at all times. Accessible pedestrian bypass routes will be in place along Nashua Street and Charles River Dam Road, and pedestrians should follow the posted signage. Bicycle access will be maintained at all times, and bicyclists should follow/abide by posted signs.
Overnight work with lane closures will continue on a regular basis through December 2020.
The East Cambridge Viaduct carries Green Line trains from Lechmere across the Charles River into downtown Boston. The bridge was closed in May 2020 to allow the MBTA to rehabilitate and replace track on the historic, concrete arched structure. The upgrades will allow more trains to pass over the bridge, ultimately serving a new Lechmere Station and the new stations constructed as part of the Green Line Extension. The rehabilitated Viaduct will carry Green Line trains in 2021.