MGH Institute of Health Professions supporting supported several organizations in Charlestown and throughout Greater Boston during the 2019 holiday season.
“The generosity displayed by our students, staff, and faculty is truly outstanding,” said Paula Milone-Nuzzo, president of the health professions graduate school in Charlestown. “I am so proud of their efforts that represent the many ways the MGH Institute supports those in need in Charlestown and throughout Greater Boston.”
Harvard-Kent Elementary School, Charlestown. Employees raised $2,806 at the Institute’s annual Holiday Party that was donated to Harvard-Kent’s Center for Youth Wellness, which offers indoor fun and interactive activities. Toys, books, and games collected during the event were among the donated items delivered to the school.
Community Servings, Boston. The IHP community bought 65 pies and raised $1,985 for the Pie in the Sky fundraiser, of which 93 cents of every dollar goes to help feed critically ill and homebound residents in Eastern Massachusetts. The annual initiative supports the Boston nonprofit Community Servings.
Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, Boston. Several employees volunteered to gift wrap presents at the CambridgeSide Galleria to support the coalition’s A Bed for Every Child initiative.
Student Volunteering. Several student groups assisted local nonprofits. They included:
The IHP Musicians performed their annual holiday concert at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital for patients and their families.
The Physician Assistant Student Society (PASS) helped prepare and serve breakfast at the St. Francis House shelter, and distributed toiletries collected on campus to the shelter as well as to Friends of Boston’s Homeless. PA students also played bingo with residents of South Hampton Street shelter.
The Student Government Association, KINSIHP (the school’s LBGTQ club), Minorities Engaged in Dialogue and Service (MEDS), Students for Racial Justice in Health Care (SRJH), and IHP Cares for Kids raised more than $500 for the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, the largest immigration legal services provider in Texas.
The IHP Acts of Service (AOS) organized students in helping to put together and distribute turkey dinners at the Crossroads Family Center’s Annual Turkey Drive. Part of the meal was non-perishable goods the club collected from the IHP community.