•Hood Park – The BPDA will be holding the next topic-focused Hood Park Master Plan IAG/public meeting on Jan. 24 at 6 p.m. This particular meeting will focus on the sustainability and environmental aspects of the revised Hood Park Master Plan and will be held at the Mishawum Community Room located at 95 Dunstable St.
This meeting is open to the public so please share this information with your neighbors and other community stakeholders.
•From the Jan. 17 Public Facilities Commission meeting, City Hall:
Mystic Avenue, Main Street, Alford Street; Charlestown – Widening & Relocation, Grant of Location – On a set of petitions by Eversource Energy and the City of Boston
The City has many tax relief programs for homeowners who occupy their property as their principal residence. These include residential exemptions, personal exemptions, and a tax deferral program for seniors.
The online applications for exemptions and tax deferrals are available through Assessing Online starting January 1, 2019. Follow the instructions on Assessing Online to find applications for your property.
The Fiscal Year 2019 filing deadline for exemptions and tax deferrals is April 1, 2019.
•Charlestown Lower Mystic Community Meeting
What: The Mystic River Watershed Association will share feedback and initial ideas for new parks, walking/biking paths and opportunities for better access to the waterfront. A link to their survey regarding the area around the Mystic River in Charlestown can be found here.
When: Wednesday, January 30th, 6:30- 8 p.m.
Where: Harvard-Kent Elementary School, 50 Bunker Hill St.
•Abutter’s Meeting for 85 Cambridge Street
A meeting to discuss replacing 45ft of chain link fence in front of the house and 24ft of chain link fence on the left side of the driveway with 6ft high red cedar fence. Replace 3ft wide chain link gate at the front entrance with 3ft wide red cedar gate. Install 14’-61/2 ft wide sliding gate for the driveway entrance.
When: Tuesday, January 22, 6 p.m.
Where: 85 Cambridge St., Charlestown.
•Zoning Board of Appeals, City Hall, 1 City Hall Square, Room 801
When: January 15, 9:30 a.m.
*94 Bunker Hill Street
*13 Mystic Street
When: January 29, 9:30 a.m.
*22R Parker Street
When: February 5, 9:30 a.m.
40 Warren Street
•Charlestown NEW Health will be holding nutrition workshops in the new year with Luisa Siniscalchi at noon in the NEWHealth, 15 Tufts St., Charlestown. The meetings will take place on Jan. 24 (start you day with a healthy breakfast), and Feb. 14 (Healthy Valentine’s Day). For more info call (857) 238-1176.