Working groups on the environment, jobs/vendors and transportation will be held next week with Wynn Resorts officials as part of the newly formed Engaged Charlestown Residents effort to work with and get answers from the casino developer.
The formation of the groups were a spin off from the three-hour public meeting held on Feb. 11 with Wynn officials that addressed a myriad of questions regarding the project. In addition to the groups, Wynn also committed to holding another overall update in April and to have office hours in Charlestown once a month.
One coordinator of the effort, Lynne Levesque, said she is hoping that many people get involved in the working groups so that all questions can be put on the table and answered.
“The importance of these meetings is in getting questions and answers on the table,” she said. “We hope to get as many answers as we can. We’re there to question, listen and list. We want to make sure we come out of this with a compendium of our concerns. They won’t be negotiating meetings, but a time for questions and concerns.”
All three meetings will be facilitated by professional facilitator Al Nierenberg. Nierenberg facilitated the Feb. 11 meeting to great reviews and is widely respected and recognized in his field.
The working groups will take place as follows:
•ENVIRONMENTAL- Monday, March 9 (7-9PM), Knights of Columbus Hall
The environmental working session will focus exclusively on the site remediation along with any construction related issues involving the clean-up of the site. This would be the best opportunity to discuss non-transportation related topics included in the SFEIR. Environmental professionals will be available.
•GENERAL, JOBS AND VENDORS – Tuesday, March 10 (7-9PM), Knights of Columbus Hall
Wynn President, Bob DeSalvio and other representatives will be available to answer general project related questions and discuss opportunities for employment and procurement. Representatives from the Building Trades will also be available to discuss construction related careers.
•TRANSPORTATION – Wednesday, March 11 (7-9PM), Knights of Columbus Hall
Wynn representatives and transportation professionals will be available to discuss the complete Wynn regional infrastructure improvement plan, including improvements to Sullivan Square. Other topics may include construction related transportation planning, Transportation Demand Management, public transportation and pedestrian and bicycle access.
Interested residents are encouraged to sign up by emailing either [email protected] or [email protected].