An overall look at the area in question shows ideas from the Sullivan Square T Station to the traffic circle and on to Alford Street Bridge. Highlighted here is the major upgrade in landscaping and beautification of the circle and some changes to the Main Street intersection, including straightening the turn and landscaping.
After what has been termed a successful beginning last Wednesday, Feb. 11, in an initial all-Charlestown forum with some elected officials and Wynn Resorts, the effort has continued this week with the scheduling of regular office hours and ongoing meetings.
John Tocco of Wynn Everett announced this week that he will begin holding monthly office hours on the first Tuesday of every month. That first event will be on March 3 and will occur from 1-3 p.m. in the Charlestown Branch Library and 5-6:30 p.m. in the Warren Tavern.
“We wanted to be able to attract a wide variety of folks, both the mid-day crowd at the library and the after work crowd at the Tavern,” he said.
Meanwhile, he also said that Wynn will continue with the same kinds of meetings as was had on Feb. 11. Those meetings will include full updates and will happen quarterly.
Meanwhile, Engaged Charlestown Residents organizer Lynne Levesque said the real work will continue in subcommittees – and three subcommittee meetings are already tentatively scheduled on March 9, 10 and 11.
Levesque said she was happy with last week’s meeting, but believe there are still a lot of unanswered questions.
“The meeting went well,” she said. “A lot of information got exchanged, but it was the beginning of a conversation. I’m not sure all the tough questions got asked, but I think that’s what these break-out subcommittees will be for. We hope more people will sign up and get involved. People were introduced the other night to a lot of information they may not have had. There was a lot to be absorbed and the weather got in the way, so I have concerns about whether all the questions were asked. This is only a beginning though and we need people to get involved and not feel disenfranchised at all.”
There will be more information on the location and subject matter of the three subcommittees scheduled for early March. However, it is expected that one will cover transportation, one will cover environmental issues and the third will likely be about jobs/economic development.
To get involved in the process or simply to be on the mailing list, one can e-mail [email protected] or [email protected].
Seth Daniel can be reached at [email protected]