Guest Op-Ed: Older Adults Can Save Money During the Annual Medicare Open Enrollment Now through December 7

By Mayor Michelle Wu

With fall in full swing, I’m excited to share some important information that could help you save money on your health insurance premiums and prescription drug payments during the annual Medicare Open Enrollment period from now through December 7.

Now is a great time to meet with one of our certified SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) counselors to go over your current health needs and find the coverage that’s right for you. Our health is constantly changing; reassessing your needs and your plan each year is the best way to ensure that you get the right coverage at the most affordable price.

For our Age Strong Commission, making Boston a home for everyone means ensuring that our older residents have access to the care and services they deserve—at the lowest possible cost.

So, to help you navigate the Open Enrollment process, Boston’s Age Strong Commission will be hosting in-person events through December 6th. To see the schedule and location of these events, visit

Or, if you’d like to set up an appointment with a member of our Age Strong team at City Hall, call 617-635-4366. Wishing you a wonderful fall.

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