Enjoy a Great — and Safe — Labor Day Weekend

Although the weatherman is not predicting a great Labor Day weekend (as we’re writing this, Saturday and Sunday are forecast for some showers), we hope that all of our readers will have a chance to make the most of the final weekend of the summer season.

The Summer of ‘24 overall has been just the way we like it — hot and humid — with just enough rainfall that it also was great for our lawns and gardens. This has been a banner year for vegetables and flowers of all types.

 This summer also has been an unusually calm one. We belong to a rowing club on the South Shore that ventures a couple of miles out into the ocean as far as Minot’s Light (those of our readers who are boaters no doubt are familiar with it, as are those who have taken the ferry to Provincetown, which passes close to it) and we never have experienced as many “flat water” days as we have had this year — great for us, though not so much for the surfers and sailors.

In particular, the weekends were generally sunny, providing us with plenty of perfect summer days that we hope created memories that will last a lifetime for our friends, families, and ourselves.

Although the coming Labor Day weekend may not be quite as nice as we might like, the final weekend of the summer season always gives us one final opportunity to enjoy the last taste of summer in whatever way we choose.

However, as always, we urge our readers to do so safely, not only for ourselves, but also for our family members, friends, and loved ones, whether we are on land or on the water.

None of us wants to be a tragic statistic, and that means making sure that both we ourselves and those around us do not overindulge in alcohol. Yes, accidents do happen, even under the best of circumstances, but generally speaking, no one ever becomes a victim by being sober. It’s when two beers become four or more that the chances for a tragedy increase exponentially.

We wish all of our readers a happy — and safe — Labor Day weekend.

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