Thanksgiving Centerpiece Floral Design workshop
Christ Church Charlestown invites residents to join for a Thanksgiving Centerpiece Floral Design with Sean Boyle of Baby Boyle Bouquets. The event is on Sunday, November 21 at 2 PM (until 4PM) at Memorial Hall, 14 Green Street. Tickets are $40 and are BOGO (buy one, get one to invite a friend or neighbor). Your ticket includes all flowers and items used to create your centerpiece as well as desserts, coffee, and tea; a brief devotion on “Seasons of Life” will be included in our time together. To register or for more info, contact Natalie Mangrum at [email protected].
The Eighth Annual Veterans Day Dinner
The Abraham Lincoln Post 11, G.A.R., held its Eighth Annual Veterans Dinner on Friday, November 5, at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Charlestown. Last year the event was cancelled due to COVID but this year it was well attended with nearly 100 in attendance including veterans and their guests. Post 11 President, Joseph Zuffante, presided as Master of Ceremonies and delighted everyone by announcing that the formal program would be mercifully short to allow everyone to enjoy the camaraderie of the evening. A delicious Italian dinner was served by Avellino’s and music was provided by Smokey Kane. Baby Boyle Bouquets donated the table decorations which were outstanding. The Charlestown Militia under the direction of Tom Coots, always a highlight of the evening, provided the color guard. An annual tradition, the centerpiece of the evening was the awarding of scholarships to several children of Charlestown’s veterans. This year the elementary and secondary awards were awarded to Aiden Boucher, Catholic Memorial H.S.; Sean Kelly, St. Joseph’s School; and Nolan O’Keefe, Saint Raphael Parish School. The college awards were presented to Michael Leonard (Univ. of Arizona) and Leisa Loan (Univ. of Houston).
The Abraham Lincoln Post 11 is headquartered at Memorial Hall on Green Street. The building is currently undergoing renovation under a grant from the Community Preservation Act and Mr. Zuffante urged those in attendance to take a moment to stop at the building to observe the work being done by the Preservation Carpentry Department of the North Bennet Street School.