Cannabis stores in Charlestown seemed to be a world-class sprint race last fall that seemingly saw everyone sit down and take a break just prior to the finish line.
Two proposals, one led by Jack Kelly in Sullivan Square, and another led in part by Nike John on Cambridge Street, were in an intense competition throughout the fall for what seemed like an imminent opening of the Town’s first marijuana shop.
The race fizzled, though, and seemingly nothing has happened since the Boston Cannabis Board turned away John’s Heritage Club in order to refine the proposal, and Kelly seems to still be waiting for his hearing before the Board.
Now, John – who no longer is in partnership with Maggie Suprey on the project – has apparently refined the proposal for Cambridge Street to meet more expectations within the Board and the elected leadership.
John said she will be returning with a traffic study and she is in the process of creating a community advisory committee.
“I’m excited to share the results of the traffic study next week which supports the traffic statement I submitted in November,” she said. “We will review the developments that are already planned for the area as well. In the fall, we set the goal of creating an advisory committee made up of neighbors, and we are starting to fill those seats. I invite anyone in the community to reach out to me with questions or just to connect.”
Her proposal is now back before the community and the Cannabis Board, and she is slated to have a public meeting online next week, March 10, at 6:30 p.m.