The owners of Monument Restaurant have requested an all-alcohol restaurant license and are proposing a new diner concept for where the former Grasshopper Restaurant used to be on Bunker Hill Street.
The proposal would apparently run simultaneously with a separate proposal by the current building owner that is before the Zoning Board of Appeals to demolish the building and construct a new residential structure. It was the understanding of those close to the situation that if one proposal were approved, the other would go away.
There will be an online Zoom meeting Thursday, Feb. 25, at 6 p.m. to discuss the item in depth with the owners.
The ownership of the Monument said their plan was just starting and they hope to hear from the community about the plan and also answer any questions that might come up.
The item that triggered the meeting is the request for a new All-Alcohol liquor license for the diner, as well as the new common victuallers license. Both will be going before the Licensing Board if the proposal seems to meet the muster of the community. There would be some construction build-out if the restaurant space were approved to modernize and make the space into a diner.
The Grasshopper residential property is potentially slated to go before the Zoning Board at the end of March.
Grasshopper owners Kevin and Lynn Smith operated the very-popular breakfast and lunch spot for more than 10 years, but announced its closure in 2019. Both were ready to retire after a life-time of working very hard, and had hoped to develop the property for their family.