The Abraham Lincoln Post 11 announced the winners of their annual scholarship awards in an online drawing recently.
The presentation represented the 5th annual scholarship awards.
This year, the Post offered the first William “Billy” Boyle college scholarship. Named after their former Board member and lifelong Charlestown resident, the scholarship is a small token of recognition for his tireless support for Charlestown and her veterans. The Post also said it would like to thank the Noonan family for creating the William Noonan scholarship in honor of their grandfather.
“Many thanks to all of our donors and especially to QOS Consulting Solutions,” said Joe Zuffante, of the Lincoln Post. “Your generosity makes all this possible.”
The winner of this year’s Billy Boyle Scholarship was Brendan Boyle.
The William Noonan Award went to Patrick Kelly.
The four Abraham Lincoln Post 11 awards went to Aiden Boucher, Sean Kelly, Grace Harrison and Mathew McLaughlin.