Special Woman Running for Office: Damali Vidot
To the Editor,
Recently as I was reading a narrative about women, and, especially women of color, who choose to run for public office, it became apparent to me, that there are a number of reasons women step up, and run for political positions.
The trajectory that influences a woman to seek a political office often follows a similar path. First, is the desire to advocate for help, especially after witnessing first- hand, many instances where efforts fall flat such as getting help for housing inequities, environmental injustices, food insecurities and a host of other serious issues plaguing vulnerable communities.
Next a woman, being consumed by roadblocks and that the problems continue to persist, her advocacy turns to activism. She is now authentically committed to resolving issues, which results in making noise and stepping up efforts to advocate for the voiceless, the marginalized and those who have no voice in the public policy process, especially when the political status quo affects folks for years to come. Given that existing leadership does not deliver, she must act.
Running for political office is a huge commitment and the decision to engage in this next step, is a natural transition for a woman committed to her values, her community and for the future of our children and the next generation.
As someone who has been on the sidelines quietly and sometimes, not, fighting for environmental and community concerns regarding quality of life issues, I wholeheartedly embrace and recognize Damali Vidot as our next State Representative for Charlestown and Chelsea.
Some of the many accomplishments of Damali Vidot are profound and life changing. As President of the Chelsea City Council she passed the City’s first inclusionary zoning ordinance to protect affordable housing.
Also, with a focus on environmental justice, Damali was instrumental in suing Exxon Mobil for polluting the Mystic River, as well as advocating against an Eversource sub-station in the midst of her neighborhood.
And throughout the pandemic crisis, Damali has fought for basic rights such as food, shelter, education and clean air and water.
Damali’s mission is transparency in government, quality education, safe neighborhoods, housing, transportation, good jobs and a strong economy.
We in Charlestown have been plagued by pollution, traffic, more dense building in our one square mile, as well as high asthma rates.
We are in need of more green space. We need to ensure our needs are met. Quality of life is our priority. It is time for a change.
Damali, through her leadership, will listen to our needs, put our issues first, will work with us to change the status quo and will give us a sense of optimism.
The time for change is now and Charlestown will be better served by her leadership and commitment to addressing pressing issues-both during the pandemic and beyond it.
Please vote SEPTEMBER 1st. Please vote for CHANGE. Please vote for Damali Vidot
Ann Kelleher