We Can’t Do All This Alone
Dear Donor,
Your local Salvation Army is reaching out to ask for your help, as we provide essential services to more of our neighbors in Chelsea, East Boston, Revere, Charlestown and Winthrop. Your generous donation will help to feed and support families who are struggling now more than ever, given the COVID-19 pandemic. Have you heard about the services the Salvation Army is bringing to the community? allowing CDC Following COVID-19 social distancing and meal preparation guidelines: • Our food pantry and feeding program is now serving more than 2,000 people per week; • Our kitchen is providing more than 700 hot meals per week, and is the only such community program open five days a week; and • We are providing more than 900 breakfasts and lunches to children per week.
But we can’t do all this alone! With children home from school and without supplemental school feeding programs, and parents not being able to work, families in our communities are finding it even more challenging to afford food and other necessities. In order to meet the increased demand for our services on an ongoing and uninterrupted basis, our goal is to raise $20,000 by June 1. To help organizations like ours and our donors, Congress’ recent CARES Act stimulus bill includes a more generous tax deduction for charitable contributions – even for taxpayers not itemizing deductions. Thank you for giving what you can. Stay healthy and safe, and God bless.
Sincerely yours,
Corps Commanding Officers
Captains Brenda
and Isael Gonzalez
P.S. Donations can be made online at www.SalvationArmyMA.org/Chelsea, or by check made payable to The Salvation Army,
258 Chestnut Street, Chelsea, MA 02150 (Please include “The Salvation Army Chelsea COVID-19 Relief found” in the memo).