The Bunker Hill Associates have announced this week that their annual grant funding process is accepting applications, with the aim of giving our four grants of $4,000 and several mini-grants for smaller projects as well.
The Associates began a new format for its grant funding last year, and found it quite successful. This year they’re embarking on the second year of that new process, and will now be taking applications from the community.
The basics are:
•There will be (4) $4,000 Grants will be available annually to local non-profits servicing the youth of this community.
•Additional $2,000 available to provide mini need based grants.
•To qualify for a grant, nonprofit or group must be located in Charlestown with 60 percent of the organization residing in Charlestown. Organization must address a program need that benefits and services the youth of Charlestown and need to be a 501(c)(3), or have the ability to accept and expend grant funds.
•Grants will be issued at a meeting with Grant Committee on Monday, September 23 at the Knights of Columbus at 6:30 p.m. All organizations must be present to receive an application. Each applicant will be required to do a five minute presentation on their organization prior to receiving grant.
•All grant applications issued on Sept. 23 will be returned to the K of C on Monday, October 21 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Upon submitting grant application, all will be required to do a 10 minute presentation before the Grant Committee addressing program need to benefit and service the youth of this community. At the conclusion of the presentation, a member of the grant committee will sign-off.
•Committee will meet the following week to review all grants and select 4 recipients which will be presented to membership at the November meeting.
The Grant Committee includes:
John Taglilatela, Secretary
Kim Mahoney
Maureen McCabe-Collier, VP
Joe McGonagle
Lisa McGoff-Collins
Carolyn Wrenn-Shannon
Jim Lister
Tom Cunha