Dear Editor:
Recently, while poking around the USS Constitution Museum gift shop, an interesting, brightly colored small yellow book caught my attention. titled, “YOU HAD BETTER MAKE SOME NOISE, Words to Change the World”. Flipping through it, I immediately knew I was buying it, not only for myself but for my grandchildren.
As I was thinking about what we in Charlestown can do to convince the Mayor and the Boston Planning and Development Agency that we do need a Master Plan to protect our “village”, against overbuilding, traffic gridlock and a decreased quality of life, I found the answer on page 98.
“The best way to get inside City Hall is to make noise in the street.” Yes, the author of the quote, Bhairavi Desai is right. Historically, change occurs when the people come together and with unified and strong voices confront the leaders that the community should be listened to and be heard. The decisions that are made at City Hall need the valuable input of the residents.
But who is Bhairavi Desai and what is her thinking, her background? What did she do to claim this action, to “make noise in the street”?
Bhairavi Desai, is a woman of Indian heritage who, despite not driving or having a driver’s license, leads the New York Taxi Alliance of over 21,000 members.
Growing up she was taught to contribute to creating a world that could be better and to recognize that all people want dignity, respect and validation. She fights for taxi drivers and their courage in their struggle to earn a decent wage as well as better working conditions.
Through this small snapshot of her biography, we can apply her beliefs to our Charlestown causes. We can, through coming together, take charge of Charlestown’s future.
Yes, it is important to make noise and let City Hall know, we are the ones who live, work, navigate and enjoy our “village”. A Master Plan is needed to protect our health and quality of life now and in the future.
Can you be counted on to make that difference and voice your support, loud and clear for a Master Plan?
Ann Kelleher
Dear Editor,
As a 31-year resident of Charlestown and having spent most of my live there (I currently reside in Columbus, Ohio) I am appalled at the treatment my mother is currently receiving from the Boston Housing Authority as a 52-year resident of the Bunker Hill Housing project.
My mom raised me as a single mother and recently retired from the Boston Police Department. She has consistently paid her rent on time and has acted as a leader in the project by getting the first court approved locked doors, calling to report crime and trying to generally improve living conditions in the project.
A situation has come to my attention of a lack of leadership in regard to health code violations (chicken being thrown from a second-floor unit to feed birds while attracting rats); noise code violations with loud music blasting at all hours of the night (4 separate incident reports filed with BPD) and a general lack of caring for elderly tenants and their rights.
BHA management is firm in their statements that their hands are tied when it comes to dealing with clear lease violations in regard to tenants who need to be evicted.
I point this out for inclusion in the paper as a notice to others that there are still voices who will try to right clear wrongs in the world.
While I may not reside in Charlestown it will always be my home and I expect fair treatment of an elderly lifelong resident. I worked in the City for many years and for Mayor Menino.
I believe my mothers plight is one of many that is going on in the project today, but it is one that needs to be focused on. Thanks for your attention to this matter.