After 33 years of Halloween fun in Charlestown, there isn’t much that can be added to what has been a highlight night in the year for decades.
One new thing that has been added over the last few years is the entry of Charlestown Dogs into the fray – an organization of responsible dog owners that has now been part of the Halloween celebration host committee for three years.
Chris Lovell of Charlestown Dogs said they began participating three years ago, showing up with their dogs in costume and handing out candy to the local kids – as well as treats to other dogs.
“This year, we were at the stairs of the Monument again for the second year,” he said. “We have a ‘Dogs and Dinos’ feature that the kids really love and we give out dog treats and candy to the children. We tend to be a very popular little corner.”
Halloween Chair Diane Valle said she really enjoys the wrinkle that Charlestown Dogs has brought to the celebration, bringing in a new feature for dog owners and families to look forward to.
“I really think Charlestown Dogs has added a lot to the celebration over the last three years,” she said. “They’re a great community organization and they give something for dog owners and families with dogs to look forward to as they travel around Monument Square.”
The first year, the dog group was stationed on the corner at the Training Field.
Last year and this year, they were at the stairs of the Monument – where they handed out legions of treats to two-legged and four-legged friends.
“The dynamic is very interesting because it’s a very community-oriented thing,” he said. “You have kids coming from all over Charlestown to this one area. It’s a candy collecting feast. We love it and love being a part of it. We get on the stairs and we have a really good time. It’s a real amazing thing that’s been going on for more than 30 years.”
Charlestown Dogs was formed only about three or four years ago, but now boasts a membership of about 120 dog owners.