Harvest on Vine Food Pantry
The Harvest on Vine Food Pantry this week are boxes of cereal and macaroni and cheese, two of the most popular items that empty the shelves. Any donation on non-perishable foods that you could make would also be greatly appreciated.
Donations can be dropped off at the Food Pantry at 49 Vine St. (Hayes Square), The Cooperative Bank at 201 Main St. and at the Parish Center on 46 Winthrop St. (across from the Training Field). Financial donations can be sent to: Harvest on Vine, Parish Center, 46 Winthrop St., Charlestown, MA 02129. For more information, call Tom MacDonald, director, at 617-990-7314.
Charlestown & Beyond
Charlestown & Beyond, Charlestown’s own TV Show, will appear on Boston Cable’s BNN-TV on Thursday, Oct. 4, at 6:30 p.m. on BNN channel 9, RCN channel 15 and Verizon channel 1961. The show will be repeated on Thursday at 11:30 p.m. Saturday at 9 a.m. and Sunday at 5 p.m. It can also be seen on Youtube at Charlestown and Beyond and Facebook at Charlestown & Beyond.
The content of the show features on site coverage of Charlestown, taped in Charlestown, through interviews with residents and those involved with the everyday life of the neighborhood.
You can reach host Kathy “Cookie” Giordano at [email protected] or 617-466-1628 and leave a message with your name and phone number.
Constitution shifts to Fall Hours
USS Constitution will shift to fall hours of operation starting on Tuesday, Oct. 9. During the fall Constitution will be open to the general public, free of charge, Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. While admission is free of charge, all persons age 18 and older must present a valid federal or state-issued photo ID or passport to board the ship.
For more information, visit www.history.navy.mil/ussconstitution or www.facebook.com/ussconstitutionofficial.
New family support group for people suffering from alcohol or other addictions is meeting Mondays at 7 p.m. at the First Church in Charlestown. For more information call Shawn 781-733-1327.
Author Talk with Jack Kelly
Jack Kelly, author of Sharp Needle: A Memoir, will share his story of heroin addiction, recovery, and 2013 Boston political campaign at Charlestown Branch Library on Monday, Oct. 22, at 6:30 p.m. Come and enjoy his story of perseverance, transformation, and hope.
For more information, call the branch at 617-242-1248.
Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Boston Parks and Recreation Department have announced that registration is now open for the 2018 Mayor’s Cup Soccer Jamboree.
The Mayor’s Cup Soccer Jamboree brings together recreational soccer teams from across Boston providing rec teams from different local soccer programs with the opportunity to play soccer against other local rec teams in a non-competitive setting.
Teams will be registered in the following divisions: U8 Coed, U10 Boys/Girls, U12 Boys, Girls, an dU14 Boys/Girls.
The Mayor’s Cup Soccer Jamboree will be held on the weekend of Oct. 13-14 at the newly renovated Carter Playground at 709 Columbus Ave. in the South End.
There will also be a free coaching clinic offered by Mass Youth Soccer on Saturday, Oct. 13, from 1 to 2 p.m. for coaches in the U8 and U10 soccer divisions. Space is limited so coaches must register in advance for the coaching clinic. The New England Revolution will also host a clinic for U6 & U8 players on Sunday, Oct. 14, from 10 a.m – 12 p.m. Registration is also required.
Please register for any of the activities at: http://tinyurl.com/201 8 MayorsCupSoccerJamboree. Registration is open now through Tuesday, Oct. 9.
For more information about the Mayor’s Cup Soccer Jamboree, please contact Woodley Auguste at [email protected] or call (617) 961-3084.