Harvest on Vine to Distribute Easter Baskets to Local Families

The Harvest on Vine Food Pantry in Hayes Square is preparing to provide more than 500 Charlestown families a delicious ham dinner, with all the fixings, to be enjoyed on Easter Sunday.  The event will take place on Wednesday, April 12, at noon in the Food Pantry, 49 Vine St.

Some 500 hams have been ordered, and although some donations have come in to cover the cost, more are needed.  If anyone can help out with a donation of any amount, please visit the parish website at www.stmarystcatherine.org and click “donate.” Mention that the donation is meant to go toward Harvest on Vine. One can also send a check to: Harvest on Vine, 46 Winthrop St., Charlestown, MA O2129.  Make check payable to Harvest on Vine.

Also, anyone can help by donating canned vegetables or canned pineapples by dropping them off at either the Food Pantry or at the Co-operative Bank, 201 Main St., Charlestown.  Of course, as always, the need is continuous for other non-perishable foods to fill the shelves at the Food Pantry for the regularly scheduled, twice a month, distributions and any donation is greatly appreciated toward that goal.

This is also a call for volunteers to come and help distribute the dinners.  Last November more than 50 volunteers showed up to help at the Thanksgiving Dinner distribution.  It is the hope of the Food Pantry that many of them will return and bring a friend.

For more information, contact Tom MacDonald, director, at 617-990-7314.


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