The parish of St. John’s Episcopal Church, 27 Devens St., celebrating 175 years of ministry in Charlestown, invites the community to join us in moving through the most important week in the Christian year with the following services.
On Thursday April 2, at 6 pm, there will be a Maundy Thursday supper, with the celebration of communion and the rite of footwashing. On Good Friday, April 3, a service designed especially for children will be held at 4 pm, along with the traditional service at 7 pm.
The Great Vigil of Easter will begin at 7 pm on Saturday, April 4, in front of the church as the new fire is lit, followed by a procession into the church for the service. In a darkened sanctuary, baptismal vows are renewed, the first proclamation of Easter is made, and the service concludes with a joyful celebration of communion. A simple but festive reception will follow in the Parish House.
Easter morning services will be at 8 and 10 am on Sunday April 20. The 10 am service will feature the Choir of St. John’s, and will be followed by the traditional taking of a photograph of everyone gathered on the sidewalk in front of the church. An Easter Egg Hunt for children and Coffee Hour will conclude the morning’s celebrations. The parish invites the community to join us for these observances. For more information about all of the services for Holy Week and Easter at St. John’s, contact the church office at 617-242-1272, or see the church’s website,