Registration for Town Track Club’s 2014 Spring/Summer Track is now open- On time registration deadline until march 30 $55 ($85 late registration after March 30)
Register at
There are some changes this year. Note: there will be two seasons in which participants are welcome to join either one or both.
* Stay Tuned for upcoming news. The final schedule will be released in the coming weeks.
Any questions contact Coach Sean 857-222-5630 or [email protected]
Description:In House Spring Season-
Town Track Club’s spring/summer track and field program is open to boys and girls, ages 6-18. There are no tryouts or cuts. It is held Friday evenings and alternating Tuesday/Wednesdays from 6-7PM each week at the Charlestown Track, from the end of April (Patriots Day Boston Marathon) through June 15 (Battle of Bunker Hill 2K). Youth interested in competing through August may join our “Go for Gold” travel team which competes in USATF Junior Olympics.
The first two weeks of the program offer instruction and training in the basic skills of track and field, and are followed by 6 weeks of developmental “In House” meets, at which kids compete against others of the same sex and age group. (There are three age groups: K-4th Grade, 5th-6th Grade, and 7th Grade and up; Meets include the following events: 100, 200, 400, 800, mile, hurdles, long jump, shot put, and turbo javelin. Participants choose the events and the meets in which they they wish to compete- awards to all competitors.
Please let Coach Sean know if you are interested in helping in the following areas:
-volunteer coaching staff
-meet support staff
-meet result staff
“Go for Gold” Summer Travel Team Season-
2014 – USATF Junior Olympics
June 15- Battle of Bunker Hill 2K
June 21 New England – Fitchburg State University
July 11-13 Region I Meet – To Be Announced
July 21 – July 27 National Junior Olympics – Houston TX