Come on down to the Legion Hall.
A special day of sharing begins Wednesday evening, Nov. 23, along about 6 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 23 Adams St. It is then that the preparations begin for Thanksgiving dinner as the stuffing is made, potatoes and vegetables are peeled, turkeys are readied and tables are set.
This is the 20th year that Bob and Carol Sweeney and their family have organized a Thanksgiving dinner under the sponsorship of James W. Conway Bunker Hill Post 26, The American Legion.
The dinner, which is free of charge, is for those who will be alone on the holiday and would like to come down to the Legion Hall on Thursday, Nov. 25, and join the fellowship of the day. For shut-ins, there will be teams of willing volunteers delivering dinner to the homes of those people.
If you would like to either come down to the Legion Hall or have dinner delivered, call Bob Sweeney at 781-438-3584 before Tuesday, Nov. 22.
As for volunteers, just pick up your paring knives and peelers and head down to the Legion Hall around 6 p.m. on Wednesday — or if you can help with the dinner preparations and/or delivering dinners on Thanksgiving Day, come down to the hall just before noon.
Realize the true meaning of Thanksgiving as you share food and friendship on this day.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!